[Tex/LaTex] equation reference too close to equation


My equation reference is appearing immediately after my equation such that it looks like I'm multiplying my first equation by (1). How do I get the equation number to align to the right-hand-side of the page?


W_{drop} = g\frac{m_{measured}}{#\, of\, drops} = f (2\pi r) \gamma

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\begin{equation} \label{eq:dropweight}
W_{drop} = g\frac{m_{measured}}{#\, of\, drops} = f (2\pi r) \gamma 

generates an error

! You can't use `macro parameter character #' in math mode.
<argument> ##
             \, of\, drops
l.8 ...rop} = g\frac{m_{measured}}{#\, of\, drops}
                                                   = f (2\pi r) \gamma

After an error you should not really look at the pdf file, TeX makes no attempt to make sensible output, it just recovers to check the rest of the file.

You need \# for # but also multi-letter words should never be set in math italic (which is designed to make them look like a product of variables not a word)




\begin{equation} \label{eq:dropweight}
W_{\mathrm{drop}} = g\frac{m_{\mathrm{measured}}}{\textrm{\# of drops}} = f (2\pi r) \gamma 

enter image description here

actually the error was probably from the blank line:

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text> 

! Display math should end with $$.
<to be read again> 

depending on quite how the original document looked