Equation Alignment – How to Keep Numbers on Same Line in Two-Column Document

equationshorizontal alignmentmath-mode

  V_S(x)=V_1 \Theta(x/a) + iV_2 \delta(x/a),~   

Equation number is not coming on same line, in two column document class, please help ??

Best Answer

The material in the equation environment simply doesn't fit in a single row, so amsmath is forced to place the equation number one row lower.

To keep the display-math material from exceeding the column width, you'll have to introduce a line break somewhere. The following screenshot provides two possible solutions (the horizontal lines are there just to illustrate the width of the columns):

enter image description here

      V_S(x)=V_1 \Theta(x/a) + iV_2 \delta(x/a),\\ 
  V_S(x)=V_1 \Theta(x/a) + iV_2 \delta(x/a)