[Tex/LaTex] EPS to pdf conversion


I am getting problems while updating the eps files. Can anyone help me how to use this package. I used inkscape software to draw the image and saved it in .eps format. Then i used epstopdf package in my latex script then using includegraphics i gave the file name, but i am not getting proper output, and there is no error message also. Can anyone help how to use this command. Is that i have to use some more packages? or is that there is any other way to save eps files from inkscape?
Please help…

Minimal example:


\usepackage{siunitx} % to recognise the written description of si-units and   make the acronym. 



  % ********* Font definition *************
  \usepackage{t1enc} % as usual
  \usepackage[latin1,utf8]{inputenc} % as usual

  %********For high quality figure (e.g: Matlab figures in latex )**********
  \usepackage{epstopdf} % converts .eps image files to .pdf on the fly
  %\usepackage{xelatex} % converts all the image formats to .pdf on the fly


 \caption{Thick walled pipe}\label{fig:Thick walled pipe}


output of the image :

enter image description here

Best Answer

It seems as if tikz-cd loads a graphic package with the draft option if none is loaded. To have the correct output you have to load the graphicx package before epstopdf.

A (more) minimal working example is:

% !TEX TS-program = pdflatex







You will notice that if you comment out \usepackage{graphicx} and \usepackage{tikz-cd} compiling results in several errors and no graphic is shown.