[Tex/LaTex] enumitem: referencing items in enumerate


Say we have a huge document with many sections, subsections, and subsubsections. In a few of these sections, we have enumerated environments.

The package I am using is enumitem.

One of the environments could look like:

  \item \label{one}
referring back to \cref{one}

Now if I reference this item later, it will say:

referring back to item 1

I could have other enumerated environments with \alph, (\alph), etc. and there reference could be item (a) or something.

The problem I have is what if I have another environment with the standard numbers that starts from 1 and goes to 4 but item 1 is also labeled.
I would have another item 1 reference in the document. The hyperref would take it to a different list but is there a way to differentiate the printed out reference?

The list are unrelated so I don't want to start the new environment continuing the old numbering. Say starting from 3 and so on.

Here is a MWE:

    one \label{one}
    two \label{two}
This \cref{two} is great.
    one \label{dog}
    two \label{cat}
This \cref{cat} is a cat.

enter image description here

Would there be a way to change one of the references to observation 1 instead of item 1? This would be a local change nor global.

Best Answer

I would consider defining a new list


and then tweaking crefname accordingly


Here's the output


and a complete MWE to play with

% arara: pdflatex



    one \label{one}
    two \label{two}
This \cref{two} is great.
  \item one \label{dog}
  \item two \label{cat}
This \cref{cat} is a cat.