[Tex/LaTex] Enumeration in margins and hang indentation

#enumeratehorizontal alignmentindentationlistsmargins

A solution was given to Enumeration across many sections. However, (A) it seems enumeration prevents hang indent from activating. (B) Can I get the numbers to go into the left margin and leave hang indented references flush with the left margin? (C) How can I shift the numbers themselves a bit more to the left while leaving text flush to margin?

NOTE: IF we use the enumeration environment from an answer below (B) is solved, but (A) is still not working:

\usepackage[top = 1in, bottom = 1in, left = 1in, right = 1in]{geometry}
\setlist[enumerate]{leftmargin=-\itemindent}       %% here we change

\textbf{class X}

\item \hangindent=7mm \noindent \textcolor{blue}{
\textbf{sadsdasd sdsdadsd}. \textbf{1902}. sasds sasdasd adsdsasds sadsdsadsa asdasd. \textit{adsdsdadsd asda sdsadsadsda sdasdsdadsds asdasddsdasdsa}. asdasd: asdsads sasdas.}
\item  BBBBB

\textbf{class Y}

\item \footnotesize \textcolor{blue}{CCCCC} \normalsize


EDIT: I found a solution that avoid the enumeration environment altogether and is totally customizable.

Best Answer

Is it like this?

\usepackage[top = 1in, bottom = 1in, left = 1in, right = 1in]{geometry}
\setlist[enumerate]{leftmargin=\itemindent}    %% leftmargin=-\itemindent

\noindent X\dotfill X
\textbf{class X}

\item \footnotesize \textcolor{blue}{AAAAA} \normalsize
\item  BBBBB
\item \parbox[t]{\linewidth}{\hangindent=7mm \noindent \textcolor{blue}{
\textbf{sadsdasd sdsdadsd}. \textbf{1902}. sasds sasdasd adsdsasds sadsdsadsa asdasd. \textit{adsdsdadsd asda sdsadsadsda sdasdsdadsds asdasddsdasdsa}. asdasd: asdsads sasdas.}}


\textbf{class Y}

\item \footnotesize \textcolor{blue}{CCCCC} \normalsize


enter image description here

Or this:

Changing \setlist[enumerate]{leftmargin=-\itemindent} to



enter image description here

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