[Tex/LaTex] Enumerating inside a proposition and inside a proof


I have one problem with enumerating. The symbols for items look differently when the enumerating is done ''inside'' propositions from the enumerating done ''inside'' a proof.

The code

\documentclass[11pt,a5paperfootinclude=true,headinclude=true]{scrbook} % KOMA-Script book
\usepackage[linedheaders,parts,pdfspacing]{classicthesis} % ,manychapters





\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[chapter] % reset theorem numbering for each chapter

\newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} % definition numbers are dependent on theorem numbers




\begin{enumerate}[(a)] % (a), (b), (c), ...

\begin{enumerate}[(a)] % (a), (b), (c), ...


and the result

enter image description here

Is there any remedy for this, so they look identical or is it impossible? Can we also make a reference to the enumerated item?

Thank you

Best Answer

I'd use the enumitem package that's much more flexible than enumerate and define a new environment for that kind of enumerations in theorems and proofs.

\documentclass[11pt,a5paper,footinclude=true,headinclude=true]{scrbook} % KOMA-Script book
\usepackage[linedheaders,parts,pdfspacing]{classicthesis} % ,manychapters



\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[chapter] % reset theorem numbering for each chapter

\newtheorem{defn}[thm]{Definition} % definition numbers are dependent on theorem numbers



\item Something
\item Something else

\item Easy
\item The same\qedhere


Note that the theorem declarations should go before \begin{document} and that you're using inexistent styles. I removed the inessential bits.

For ending a proof within an enumeration, use \qedhere, so that the tombstone will be placed on the last line.

enter image description here

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