Enumerated List with Blue Circles and Numbers in LaTeX


I am creating a manual for an application and I would like to provide step by step directions of the application. For the step numbers, I would like to use big, blue circles with white numbers in it. Thus I was thinking if I can modify the bullet style, I would be able to achieve such list. I read few similar questions and it looks like it will have to use the enumitem package and the likes. Probably, there would be a new command for a big circle. I just don't know how to pull everything together.



Best Answer

Here is an adaptation of Good way to make \textcircled numbers? for your needs:



            \node[shape=circle,fill=blue!20,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}



\item Step one
\item Step two
\item Step three



To increase the circle size, play with the inner sep parameter (the border between the number and the circle). To change the color, play with the fill parameter.

If you wish to change the text color, you can use the xcolor package:



            \node[shape=circle,fill=blue!20,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}



\item Step one
\item Step two
\item Step three


red text?!