Unicode – Entering Unicode Math Symbols into LaTeX on a Mac


I would like my LaTeX files to contain Unicode characters. For instance, I want to see

∃x.x ⟶ β

in my text editor, rather than

\exists x\ldotp x\longrightarrow\beta

Also, I would like to type these characters directly from my keyboard. For instance, I want

  • to get "∃" by typing altE,
  • to get "β" by typing altb, and
  • to get "⟶" by typing alt-->.

I'm running Mac OS X, and my keyboard has a British layout.

Best Answer

There are two separate tasks here: making your keyboard produce the various Unicode symbols, and making those symbols meaningful to LaTeX.

1. Producing Unicode symbols from your keyboard

If you're on a Mac, make a .keylayout file, put it in the ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts directory, then log out and back in again. Your new keyboard layout should now appear in System Preferences > Language & Text > Input Sources.

But how does one create this keylayout? I used an editor (such as Ukelele) but also ended up doing quite a bit of tweaking by hand. Keylayouts are written in XML, following Apple's specification. My keylayout is called MathUnicode.keylayout, and can be downloaded here. It is based on the British keylayout. I have given my keylayout a custom icon by saving MathUnicode.icns(which can be downloaded here) in the same directory.

I list below all of the key bindings in my layout. Note that, for instance, alt--> (which produces ) means "type --> while holding down the alt key". Note also that I have generally avoided notating the shift key (preferring P over shiftp, and so on) except where it makes the mnemonic more memorable.

α (alpha) alta

β (beta) altb

γ (gamma) altg

Γ (Gamma) altG

δ (delta) altd

Δ (Delta) altD

ε (epsilon) alte

ζ (zeta) altz

η (eta) alth

θ (theta) alto

Θ (Theta) altO

ι (iota) alti

κ (kappa) altk

λ (lambda) altl

Λ (Lambda) altL

μ (mu) altm

ν (nu) altn

ξ (xi) altx

Ξ (Xi) altX

π (pi) altp

Π (Pi) altP

ρ (rho) altr

σ (sigma) alts

Σ (Sigma) altS

τ (tau) altt

υ (upsilon) altu

φ (phi) (altf

Φ (Phi) altF

χ (chi) altc

ψ (psi) alty

Ψ (Psi) altY

ω (omega) altw

Ω (Omega) altW

ℂ (complex numbers) altC

ℕ (naturals) altN

ℚ (rationals) altQ

ℝ (reals) altR

ℤ (integers) altZ

” (closing double quotes) alt'

“ (opening double quotes) alt`

¶ (paragraph) alt§

° (degrees) alt±

… (ellipsis) alt;

⌊ (lower left bracket) alt[

⌋ (lower right bracket) alt]

⌈ (upper left bracket) altshift[

⌉ (upper right bracket) altshift]

〈 (left angled bracket) alt<

〉(right angled bracket) alt>

⟦ (double left bracket) alt|[

⟧ (double right bracket) alt|]

↑ (up arrow) alt6

↓ (down arrow) alt7

⇑ (double up arrow) altshift6

⇓ (double down arrow) altshift7

← (left arrow) alt<-

→ (right arrow) alt->

↔ (left right arrow) alt<->

⇐ (double left arrow) alt<=

⇒ (double right arrow) alt=>

⇔ (double left right arrow) alt<=>

⟵ (long left arrow) alt<--

⟶ (long right arrow) alt-->

⟷ (long left right arrow) alt<-->

⟸ (long double left arrow) alt<==

⟹ (long double right arrow) alt==>

⟺ (long double left right arrow) alt<==>

↦ (maps-to) alt|->

⤇ (double maps-to) alt|=>

⟼ (long maps-to) alt|-->

⟾ (long double maps-to) alt|==>

⇀ (right harpoon) alt--`

⇝ (squiggly right arrow) alt~>

¬ (logical not) alt~

∨ (logical disjunction) alt\

∧ (logical conjunction) alt/\

∀ (for all) altA

∃ (exists) altE

∄ (does not exist) alt/E

.(ldotp, the dot in ∃x. p) alt,

⊦ (turnstile) alt|-

⊩ (double turnstile) alt||-

⊧ (models) alt|=

⟂ (bottom) alt _ | or alt| _

∅ (empty set) alt/0

∈ (member of) alt:

∉ (not member of) alt/:

∪ (union) altU

∩ (intersection) altI

⫛ (does not intersect) alt/I

⊂ (strict subset) alt(

⊃ (strict superset) alt)

⊆ (subset or equal) alt _ (

⊇ (superset or equal) alt _ )

∗ (centred asterisk) alt*

÷ (division) altshift/

× (times) alt8

| (bar) alt|

‖ (double bar) alt||

∤ (not bar) alt/|

◁ (left triangle) alt<|

▷ (right triangle) alt|>

◇ (diamond) alt<>

∘ (circle) alt0

· (centred dot) alt.

⊗ (circled times) alt08

⊛ (circled asterisk) alt0*

⊖ (circled minus) alt0-

⊕ (circled plus) alt0+

⊘ (circled slash) alt0/

⊙ (circled dot) alt0.

≝ (defined equal) altshift=

≠ (not equal) alt/= or alt=/

≡ (equivalent) alt==

≈ (approx) alt~~

≤ (less than or equal) alt _ < or alt< _

≥ (greater than or equal) alt _ >

∴ (therefore) altT

∵ (because) altB

∞ (infinity) alt9

∇ (nabla) altV

² (squared) altshift2

³ (cubed) altshift3

√ (root) altv

I have used this set-up for several years now, and am very happy with it. It is particularly useful when composing mathematical emails, where LaTeX is not available. The only snag I have found is that in some programs, some keyboard shortcuts that use alt no longer work. To tackle this, I configured the keyboard shortcut cmdspace so that I can switch back to my default British layout whenever necessary.

2. Getting LaTeX to understand Unicode symbols

Note: you're probably better off using XeTeX if you want Unicode in your LaTeX source files. But let's suppose you want to stick with vanilla LaTeX for the time being.

I save the following in the file MathUnicode.sty and include the MathUnicode package in all my LaTeX files (that is, by putting \usepackage{MathUnicode} in the preamble).

% Created by John Wickerson, 07 Jan 2010.
% Updated 28 Mar 2010.
% For use with the MathUnicode keyboard layout.


\newcommand{\eqdef}{\stackrel{{\scriptsize\rm def}}{=}}
\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{10214}{\llbracket} % needs stmaryrd
\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{10215}{\rrbracket} % needs stmaryrd
\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{10238}{\Longmapsto} % needs stmaryrd
\DeclareUnicodeCharacter{10503}{\Mapsto}    % needs stmaryrd
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