[Tex/LaTex] English minitoc entry within a Greek utf8 document

babelgreekminitoctable of contentsunicode

In a document set up as shown in the question Greek pdf bookmarks, the interesting bits are:

\usepackage[LGRx,T1]{fontenc} % define LGR and T1 encodings
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % standard UTF-8 input encoding

The minitoc package is used to present mini-ToCs on a per-chapter basis.

\usepackage[k-loose]{minitoc} % Mini-ToCs with loose line spacing
\mtcsettitle{minitoc}{} % for empty title
\mtcsetrules{minitoc}{off} % turn off rules before and after the minitoc's
\mtcsetpagenumbers{minitoc}{off} % turn off page numbering in minitoc's

All but one section titles are Greek. The only English section, named Thumb index and correctly (?) defined in English using \selectlanguage{english}, appears with Greek letters in the mini-ToC as Τηυμβ-ινδεξ.

Note the section title appears correctly in the (normal) Table of Contents!

How should be minitoc instructed to respect the language setting?

Best Answer

There are many aspects in the example document that need to be straightened:

\documentclass[10pt,english,greek,BCOR=20mm, footnoterule,
  lists=totoc, index=totoc, captions=bottombeside, open=any,

\usepackage[LGRx,T1,LGR]{fontenc} % define LGR and T1 encodings
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % standard UTF-8 input encoding




\usepackage[k-loose]{minitoc} % loose line spaced minitoc
\mtcsettitle{minitoc}{} % for empty title
\mtcsetrules{minitoc}{off} % turn off rules before and after the minitoc's
\mtcsetpagenumbers{minitoc}{off} % turn off page numbering in minitoc's

  pdfborder={0 0 0},backref=page,colorlinks=true]{hyperref}
\usepackage{bookmark} % pdf bookmarks

 pdfauthor={Νίκος Αλεξανδρής},
 pdfkeywords={minitoc, greek, english, babel, unicode, LaTeX},
 linkcolor=blue, anchorcolor=red, pdfstartview={FitH}, 
 hyperfootnotes=false, unicode=true}

\usepackage{kerkis} % fonts
\usepackage[final,expansion=true,protrusion=true]{microtype} % kerning/margin

\newcommand{\code}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % Textclass specific LaTeX commands

\definecolor{lightgray}{gray}{0.2} % define lightgray

%%% Important!


\title{\foreignlanguage{english}{An english minitoc-entry in an LGRX encoded document}}
\subtitle{\foreignlanguage{english}{A (not exactly Minimal) Working Example!}}

\author{του Νίκου Αλεξανδρή%



\chapter{Σχεδιασμός~και υλοποίηση}

\section{Δομή εγγράφου\label{sec:a}}

\section{Δομή σελίδας\label{sec:b}}

\item \foreignlanguage{greek}{(ύψος κειμένου)}

\item \foreignlanguage{greek}{(πλάτος κειμένου)}


\subsection{Κεφαλίδες~και Υποσέλιδες~σημειώςεις}
\item \sout{use }\emph{\sout{scrpage2}}\sout{ instead of }\emph{\sout{fancyheader}} (see also:

\subsection{Δομή πλάγιων σελίδων}

\item balance up with respect to page width!
\item in each landscape page: 2x 48\% column width(ed) boxes
\item inside column-boxes: vertically stacked, and centered, 2x photos sized
49\% of text height

\section{\texorpdfstring{\foreignlanguage{english}{Thumb index}}{Thumb
\label{Section: Thumb - Index}
\item using \code{chapterthumbs.sty}
by Markus Kohm (e.g., among other places also to be found at


Explicit usage of \selectlanguage is seldom needed. The definition you give of \textgreek is useless, as Greek is the default language. It's conversely needed a similar trick for the English text.

Inputting σ and ς directly is obviously possible.