[Tex/LaTex] Encoding with the tasks package


How do I encode problems 3.) and 5.) that is consistent with the remaining code? The display is what I want.

\settowidth\labelwd{\bfseries viii.)}
\settasks{counter-format =tsk[a].), label-format=\bfseries, label-offset=1em, label-align=right, label-width
=\labelwd, before-skip =\smallskipamount, after-item-skip=0pt}
\setlist[enumerate,1]{% (
leftmargin=*, itemsep=12pt, label={\textbf{\arabic*.)}}}


\begin{center}\Large{\textbf{Elementary Number Theory}}\end{center}\vskip0.25in

\item How many positive integers less than 100 have a remainder of 3 upon division by 7?
          \task 10
          \task 11
          \task 12
          \task 13
          \task 14

\begin{enumerate}[start=2, itemsep=\baselineskip]
\item For every natural number $n$, $\tau(n)$ is the number of positive divisors of $n$. Evaluate $\tau^{3}(12)$.
          \task 1
          \task 2
          \task 3
          \task 4
          \task 6

\noindent {\textbf{3.) }}$p$ and $q$ are prime numbers greater than 2. which of the following statements must be true? \\
\hspace*{3em} \hphantom{3.)\ }
\begin{tabular}{r l}
{\bf I}     &   \hspace*{-0.5em}$p + q$ is even. \\
{\bf II}    &   \hspace*{-0.5em}$pq$ is odd. \\
{\bf III}   &   \hspace*{-0.5em}$p^{2} - q^{2}$ is even
\hspace*{2em} \= \hspace{2.5in} \= \kill
\> {\textbf{a.) }}I only        \> {\textbf{b.) }}II only \\
\> {\textbf{c.) }}I and II only \> {\textbf{d.) }}I and III only \\
\> {\textbf{e.) }}I, II, and III

\begin{enumerate}[start=4, itemsep=\baselineskip]
\item How many integers less than 1000 are such that the remainder upon division by each of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 is 1?
          \task 0
          \task 1
          \task 2
          \task 3
          \task 4

\noindent {\textbf{5.) }}$n$ is a positive integer. Which of the following quantities is divisible by 3? \\
\hspace*{3em} \hphantom{3.)\ }
\begin{tabular}{r l}
{\bf I}     &   \hspace*{-0.5em}$n^{3} - 1$ \\
{\bf II}    &   \hspace*{-0.5em}$n^{3} + 1$ \\
{\bf III}   &   \hspace*{-0.5em}$n^{3} + 2n$
\hspace*{2em} \= \hspace{2.5in} \= \kill
\> {\textbf{a.) }}I only        \> {\textbf{b.) }}II only \\
\> {\textbf{c.) }}I and II only \> {\textbf{d.) }}II and III only \\
\> {\textbf{e.) }}I, II, and III


Best Answer

I would do it this way:

\settowidth\labelwd{\bfseries viii.)}
\settasks{counter-format =tsk[a].), label-format=\bfseries, label-offset=1em, label-align=right, label-width
=\labelwd, before-skip =\smallskipamount, after-item-skip=0pt}
\setlist[enumerate]{% (
labelindent = 0pt, leftmargin=*, itemsep=12pt, label={\textbf{\arabic*.)}}}


\begin{center}\Large{\textbf{Elementary Number Theory}}\end{center}\vskip0.25in
%\setlist[enumerate, 1]{itemsep=\baselineskip}
  \item How many positive integers less than 100 have a remainder of 3 upon division by 7?
          \task 10
          \task 11
          \task 12
          \task 13
          \task 14

  \item For every natural number $n$, $\tau(n)$ is the number of positive divisors of $n$. Evaluate $\tau^{3}(12)$.
          \task 1
          \task 2
          \task 3
          \task 4
          \task 6

  \item $p$ and $q$ are prime numbers greater than 2. Consider the following statements:

        \begin{tasks}[counter-format = tsk[R], label-format=\normalfont, after-skip=1\medskipamount](3)
          \task $p + q$ is even.
          \task $pq$ is odd.
          \task $p^{2} - q^{2}$ is even
        Which of the following must be true?
          \task I only
          \task II only
          \task I and II only
          \task I and III only
          \task I, II, and III

  \item How many integers less than 1000 are such that the remainder upon division by each of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 is 1?
          \task 0
          \task 1
          \task 2
          \task 3
          \task 4

  \item $n$ is a positive integer. Consider the following quantities:
  \begin{tasks}[counter-format = tsk[R], label-format=\normalfont,  after-  skip=1\medskipamount](3)
        \task $n^{3} - 1$ \
        \task $n^{3} + 1$
        \task $n^{3} + 2n$
  Which is divisible by 3?
    \task I only
    \task II only
    \task I and II only
    \task II and III only
    \task I, II, and III


enter image description here

A variant:

\settowidth\labelwd{\bfseries viii.)}
\settasks{counter-format =tsk[a].), label-format=\bfseries, label-offset=1em, label-align=right, label-width
=\labelwd, item-indent=\dimexpr\labelwd+1em\relax, before-skip =\smallskipamount, after-item-skip=0pt}
\setlist[enumerate,1]{% (
leftmargin=*, itemsep=12pt, label={\textbf{\arabic*.)}}}


\begin{center}\Large{\textbf{Elementary Number Theory}}\end{center}\vskip0.25in

\item How many positive integers less than 100 have a remainder of 3 upon division by 7?
          \task 10
          \task 11
          \task 12
          \task 13
          \task 14

\begin{enumerate}[start=2, itemsep=\baselineskip]
\item For every natural number $n$, $\tau(n)$ is the number of positive divisors of $n$. Evaluate $\tau^{3}(12)$.
          \task 1
          \task 2
          \task 3
          \task 4
          \task 6

\noindent {\textbf{3.) }}$p$ and $q$ are prime numbers greater than 2. which of the following statements must be true?
\begin{tasks}[counter-format =tsk[R], item-indent=5.1em](1)
\task $p + q$ is even.
\task $pq$ is odd. 
\task $p^{2} - q^{2}$ is even
\begin{tasks}[ item-indent=\dimexpr\labelwd+2.85em](2)
\task I only
\task II only
\task I and II only
\task I and III only
\task I, II, and III

\begin{enumerate}[start=4, itemsep=\baselineskip]
\item How many integers less than 1000 are such that the remainder upon division by each of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 is 1?
          \task 0
          \task 1
          \task 2
          \task 3
          \task 4

\noindent {\textbf{5.) }}$n$ is a positive integer. Which of the following quantities is divisible by 3? 
    \begin{tasks}[counter-format =tsk[R], item-indent=5.1em](1)
   \task $n^{3} - 1$ 
    \task   $n^{3} + 1$ 
    \task $n^{3} + 2n$
    \task I only
    \task II only
    \task I and II only
    \task II and III only
    \task I, II, and III


enter image description here

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