Symbols – Using Email Symbol with Package Listings


I use \usepackage{marvosym} and the command \MVAt whenever I need to write the 'at' symbol (@)

But surprisingly it doesn't work in a listings environment

For example:

' having 1=1--
' or 1 in (select @@version)--
' union all select @@version--
' OR 'unusual' = 'unusual'
' OR 'something' = 'some'+'thing'

Also when it comes to ttfamily\verb I have the same problem:

\begin{ttfamily}\verb|declare @s varchar(8000) select @s = db_name() if (ascii(substring(@s,|\end{ttfamily}

Is there a solution to the problem?

Best Answer

You have to tell listings and \verb to change the @ into \MVAt:




' having 1=1--
' or 1 in (select @@version)--
' union all select @@version--
' OR 'unusual' = 'unusual'
' OR 'something' = 'some'+'thing'

\verb|declare @s varchar(8000)|

There's no need to use \ttfamily around \verb.

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