[Tex/LaTex] Emacs-org-mode and latexmk


After getting to know org mode here, I tried it out. It seems to be, indeed, very helpful. However, I want it to work smoothly with LaTeX, and as a compiling script I want to use latexmk.

I followed the instruction here trying to make org-mode use latexmk as the compiling engine/script. Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me. The resulting .tex file is perfect and I can manually compile it using latexmk, but it won't work directly.

Best Answer

The org-mode mailing list was useful! I added (setq org-latex-to-pdf-process (list "latexmk -f -pdf %f")) to my .emacs file and then C-c C-e d worked as expected, producing the PDF using latexmk.

Note if org-mode-version > 8.0 org-latex-to-pdf-process has been renamed to org-latex-pdf-process