[Tex/LaTex] Elsevier template


In fact, I am using Elsevier template and I want to tape the email address of the corresponding author the problem is that in :
\cortext[mycorrespondingauthor]{Corresponding author} it gives me all the authors names. I want to get only the mail address of author 1 with no authors names.here is the code:



\journal{Journal of \LaTeX\ Templates}

\journal{Journal of \LaTeX\ Templates}


\title{Title 1 }

\author{Author1$^*$, Author2, Author3}
\address{address street zip code city}

\cortext[mycorrespondingauthor]{Corresponding author}


Best Answer

You need to annotate \author statements.

\author[ub]{First Author\corref{cor1}}
\author[psy-umr]{Other Second}
\author[a-umr]{Yet Another}
\author[a-umr]{And Another}
\author[d-umr]{Some One-Else}
\author[ub]{Princial Investigator}
\address[ub]{Some Institution}
\address[a-umr]{Different Institution}
\address[d-umr]{Last Institution}
\cortext[cor1]{Email: first@example.com}