[Tex/LaTex] elsarticle class generating errors with author block


I am using the elsarticle class and trying to compile a document with TeX Live 2014. The frontmatter section generates the same error every time, and I am out of ideas how to correct it. The front matter is taken directly from the example from the elsarticle documentation

 \title{This is a specimen title\tnoteref{t1,t2}}
 \tnotetext[t1]{This document is a collaborative effort.}
 \tnotetext[t2]{The second title footnote which is  
    longer than the first one and with an intention to fill
    in up more than one line while formatting.} 



 \author[saya]{G.S. Krishna\corref{cor2}\fnref{fn1,fn3}}

 \cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author}
 \cortext[cor2]{Principal corresponding author}
 \fntext[fn1]{This is the specimen author footnote.}
 \fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, but a little more longer.}
 \fntext[fn3]{Yet another author footnote. Indeed, you can have
    any number of author footnotes.}

 \address[rvt]{River Valley Technologies, River Valley Campus,
    Mepukada, Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India}
 \address[focal]{Focal Image (India) Pvt Ltd., River Valley Campus,
    Mepukada, Malayinkil, Trivandrum 695571, India}
 \address[saya]{JWRA 34, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014, India}

When I compile with pdflatex, the following error is generated:

! Argument of \@author has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.113 ...f\AB@author{\noexpand\AB@blk@and\@author}

Runaway argument?
! Paragraph ended before \@author was complete.
<to be read again>
l.113 ...f\AB@author{\noexpand\AB@blk@and\@author}

I can add the full log file if that is helpful, but I thought it might be excessive.

Best Answer

The problem was that I was loading the authblk package in the preamble, and this evidently clashed with elsarticle's handling of the author block.