[Tex/LaTex] Elliptic arrow line in PSTricks


How can I draw an elliptic line with arrow around a line in PSTricks?

Example is visible in this picture around the 'Geographic North Pole':

The question is quite similar to How to draw a not fully-connected elliptic arrow using TikZ? but I need a solution for pstricks.

I tried to manage it with pscurve but I was not able to get an symmetric result.

Is it possible to bound this elliptic line on a psline, which you can see in the code below?


\psline[origin={0.05,0}](10; 65.25)
\psline[origin={0.05,0},linestyle=dashed](10; 76.75)

Best Answer

I tried to reproduce as faithfully as possible the image from your post, with the help of the pst-eucl package:

\documentclass[a4paper, pdf, x11names]{standalone}
\usepackage{pstricks-add, pst-eucl}
\sisetup{detect-family, detect-weight, detect-mode}


\psset{unit = 6mm}
    \psset{ linecolor=Yellow1, PointSymbol=none, PointName=none}
    \psrotate(0,0){-13.25}{\pstGeonode(2; 90){A}(2; -90){B}(0,0){O}(1,0){I}%
        \psline[ linestyle=dashed, linecolor=red](10; -90)(10; 90)
        \rput[tr]{13.25}(10; 90){\begin{tabular}{>{\color{white}}r@{\quad}}North\\Magnetic\\Pole\end{tabular}}
        \rput[bl]{13.25}(10; -90){\begin{tabular}{@{\quad}>{\color{white}}l}South\\Magnetic\\Pole\end{tabular}}
        \rput[tl]{13.25}(10;78.5){\begin{tabular}{>{\color{white}}l}Geographic\\North Pole\end{tabular}}
        \rput[br]{13.25}(10;-101.5){\begin{tabular}{>{\color{white}}l@{\,}}\color{white}Geographic\\South Pole\end{tabular}}
        \psarc(0,0){7}{78.64}{89.86}\rput[bc]{-5.75}(7.3; 83){\color{white}\scriptsize\ang{11,5}}
        \psellipticarc[arrows=->, rot=-5.75](8.5; 78.5)(0.7,0.3){100}{50}
        \psellipticarc[arrows=->, rot=-5.75](-8.5; 78.5)(0.7,0.3){100}{50}
        \multido{\i =1 + 1}{6}{\psset{linewidth=1.2pt}%
            \psscalebox{1 1.10}{%
                \pstGeonode(\i; 180){O\i}\pstGeonode(\i; 0){P\i}
                \pstArcOAB{O\i}{A}{B}\pstArcOAB {P\i}{B}{A}
                \psdots[dotstyle=triangle*, dotscale=0.8 1](M\i)(R\i)


enter image description here

The graphics file was obtained from this site, where you can find a lot of globes. I used "A simple globe" on page 10.

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