[Tex/LaTex] Easy way to write below arrow (\arrow{-U>}) in chemfig


I have been using chemfig for a while and I like it very much. But some small things I still can't do. Check this example:

\arrow{-U>[\footnotesize ATP][\footnotesize ADP + H$^{+}$][][0.6][45]}
\chemname{\chemfig{[2]O(-[0]\circleatom{P})-[4]CH_2-CH(-[0]OH)-CH_2(-[0]OH)}}{Glycerol 3-phosphate} 

I would like to write the enzyme's name (glycerol kinase) below the U-shaped arrow. Is there an easy way to do that?

Best Answer

I'm guessing the \circleatom is a copy of what I used here. I vaguely remembered having defined something like it before.

The middle of an -U> arrow is a node named Uarrow@arctangent. If you have only one such arrow you can use that fact to write something beneath it with \chemmove:



  \arrow{-U>[\footnotesize ATP]%
            [\footnotesize ADP + H$^{+}$]%
    {Glycerol 3-phosphate} 
  \chemmove{\node[below] at (Uarrow@arctangent) {below}; }


enter image description here

If you need that more often you should consider usings chemfig's possibility to add new arrow types. You could for example adapt the definition of the -U> arrow to define a variant that takes a third argument:

% define an arrow type `-y>' that takes 6 optional arguments
% \arrow{-y>[<label arc start>]%
%           [<label arc end>]%
%           [<label below>]%
%           [<arrow shift>]%
%           [<ratio arc radius/arrow length>]% default: 0.333
%           [<half of angle of arc>]% default: 60
    % shift the arrow:
    % draw main arrow:
    % draw first half of arc if label #1 is given:
    \expandafter\draw\CF@tmp@str (yarrow@arctangent)%
          start angle=\CF@arrow@current@angle-90,
          delta angle=-\ifx\@empty#6\@empty60\else#6\fi]
    % draw second half of arrow if label #2 is given:
    \edef\CF@tmp@str{[\ifx\@empty#2\@empty draw=none,\fi-CF@full]}%
    \expandafter\draw\CF@tmp@str (yarrow@arctangent)%
          start angle=\CF@arrow@current@angle-90,%
          delta angle=\ifx\@empty#6\@empty60\else#6\fi]
    % place labels #1 and #2:
    % place label #3:

It can now be used as follows:


enter image description here

It has three further optional arguments which are the same as the ones of -U>.

The complete code:


% define an arrow type `-y>' that takes 6 optional arguments
% \arrow{-y>[<label arc start>]%
%           [<label arc end>]%
%           [<label below>]%
%           [<arrow shift>]%
%           [<ratio arc radius/arrow length>]% default: 0.333
%           [<half of angle of arc>]% default: 60
    % shift the arrow:
    % draw main arrow:
    % draw first half of arc if label #1 is given:
    \expandafter\draw\CF@tmp@str (yarrow@arctangent)%
          start angle=\CF@arrow@current@angle-90,
          delta angle=-\ifx\@empty#6\@empty60\else#6\fi]
    % draw second half of arrow if label #2 is given:
    \edef\CF@tmp@str{[\ifx\@empty#2\@empty draw=none,\fi-CF@full]}%
    \expandafter\draw\CF@tmp@str (yarrow@arctangent)%
          start angle=\CF@arrow@current@angle-90,%
          delta angle=\ifx\@empty#6\@empty60\else#6\fi]
    % place labels #1 and #2:
    % place label #3:


  \arrow{-y>[\footnotesize ATP]%
            [\footnotesize ADP + H$^{+}$]%
    {Glycerol 3-phosphate} 

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