[Tex/LaTex] Easiest way to draw a 3d coordinate system with axis labels and ticks in tikz


What's the easiest way to draw a 3d coordinate system in tikz with axis labels and ticks like the following one:


Is there any additional package which does this (with adjustable parameters)?

Best Answer

I used the xyz coordinate system:



% The axes
\draw[->] (xyz cs:x=-13.5) -- (xyz cs:x=13.5) node[above] {$x$};
\draw[->] (xyz cs:y=-13.5) -- (xyz cs:y=13.5) node[right] {$z$};
\draw[->] (xyz cs:z=-13.5) -- (xyz cs:z=13.5) node[above] {$y$};
% The thin ticks
\foreach \coo in {-13,-12,...,13}
  \draw (\coo,-1.5pt) -- (\coo,1.5pt);
  \draw (-1.5pt,\coo) -- (1.5pt,\coo);
  \draw (xyz cs:y=-0.15pt,z=\coo) -- (xyz cs:y=0.15pt,z=\coo);
% The thick ticks
\foreach \coo in {-10,-5,5,10}
  \draw[thick] (\coo,-3pt) -- (\coo,3pt) node[below=6pt] {\coo};
  \draw[thick] (-3pt,\coo) -- (3pt,\coo) node[left=6pt] {\coo};
  \draw[thick] (xyz cs:y=-0.3pt,z=\coo) -- (xyz cs:y=0.3pt,z=\coo) node[below=8pt] {\coo};
% Dashed lines for the points P, Q
  (xyz cs:z=-5) -- 
  +(0,7) coordinate (u) -- 
  (xyz cs:y=7) -- 
  +(-5,0) -- 
  ++(xyz cs:x=-5,z=-5) coordinate (v) --
  +(0,-7) coordinate (w) --
\draw[dashed] (u) -- (v);
\draw[dashed] (-5,7) -- (-5,0) -- (w);
\draw[dashed] (3,0) |- (0,5);

% Dots and labels for P, Q
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=1.5pt,label={left:$Q(-5,-5,7)$}] at (v) {};
\node[fill,circle,inner sep=1.5pt,label={above:$P(3,0,5)$}] at (3,5) {};
% The origin
\node[align=center] at (3,-3) (ori) {(0,0,0)\\\text{origin}};
\draw[->,help lines,shorten >=3pt] (ori) .. controls (1,-2) and (1.2,-1.5) .. (0,0,0);


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