[Tex/LaTex] Drop shadow for text in PGF/Beamer


I want to really put an emphasis on some central piece of text I'm using in a Beamer slide. I'm using tikz and overlay to put it, enlarged, on the center of the page, using the following code:

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \node[at=(current page.center)] {
    \scalebox{2}{\Huge\texttt{{This is important!}}}

Can I add a drop shadow to the letter themselves, so they would look even more emphasized? Is there some other decoration that can be added to the text itself, like a glow, etc.? Or does PGF ignores node text altogether? The text should be in typewriter style, so using special fancy fonts is probably not the solution.

Best Answer

This is a terrible hack, and doesn't really fit your situation exactly, but I'm new to TeX and TikZ. Just an idea to get the ball rolling.


    \node[black!30!white] at (#1+0.1,#2-0.1) {
    \node at (#1,#2) {

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]   
    \importantstuff{4}{0}{This is important!}

enter image description here

Edit: Marc van Dongen correctly pointed out I should use font-dependent offsets. And since I was fiddling with the code anyway, I tried blurring the shadow, hillbilly style.

    % Blur
    \foreach \x in {-0.1,0.1} {
        \foreach \y in {-0.1,0.1} {         
            \node[black!20!white] at (#1em+\xoffset em+\x em,#2em+\yoffset em+\y em) {

    % Main Shadow
    \node[black!40!white] at (#1em+0.3em,#2em-0.2em) {
    \node at (#1em,#2em) {

enter image description here