[Tex/LaTex] drawing electron configuration (high and low spin)


How does I create an image like the one shown under this text directly in the LaTeX document? I have tried with TikZ, but I can only make boxes with the arrows inside, and not exactly like the image.
I have to draw how the electrons are distributed in an d-orbital and it has to be as the shown here.

electron configuration

Best Answer

As far as I understand, you dislike TikZ, but accept any LaTeX packages.

In the following solution all parameters are exemplary, as I don't know the proper usage of your orbital. You can certainly customize them.




\def\orbud{\scalebox{3}{\sout{$\;\upharpoonleft \,\downharpoonright\;$}\quad } }

\def\orbu{\scalebox{3}{\sout{$\;\;\upharpoonleft \;\;$}\quad }}

All parameters are to customize


\orbud \orbu\\[2em]
 \orbu  \orbu  \orbu


enter image description here