[Tex/LaTex] Drawing electromagnetic tetrahedron diagram having text within node connections


Any idea how to draw this beautiful electromagnetic tetrahedron (due to F.W. Hehl and Y.N. Obukhov) using LaTeX code?

enter image description here

Best Answer

My solution won't give you exactly the same result, but it is similar, thus I hope it will be acceptable for you.

        execute at begin scope={\pgfonlayer{#1}},
        execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
        ball/.style={circle, shading=ball, ball color=black!15, minimum size=9mm},
        conline/.style={line width=#1, line cap=round},
        label/.style 2 args={
            postaction={decorate,transform shape,decoration={
                markings, mark=at position #1 with \node {\scriptsize\color{black}#2};
    \def\conline<#1>[#2] (#3) (#4);{%
        \draw[conline=#1, #2] (#3) -- (#4);
    \def\conwhiline (#1) (#2);{%
        \conline<10pt>[color=white] (#1) (#2);
    \def\connectpos[#1] (#2) (#3) #4 #5;{%
        \conline<8pt>[color=black] (#2) (#3);
        \conline<7pt>[#1, label={#4}{#5}] (#2) (#3);
    \def\connection[#1] (#2) (#3) #4;{%
        \connectpos[#1] (#2) (#3) 0.5 {#4};
    \node (B) [ball]                     {$\bm{B}$};
    \node (D) [ball] at ($(B)+(95:4.4)$) {$\mathcal{D}$};

    \node (H) [ball] at ($(B)+(60:2.5)$) {$\mathcal{H}$};
    \node (E) [ball] at ($(B)+(155:3)$)  {$\bm{E}$};
    \connectpos[blue] (E)     (H.180) 0.35 {1-forms};
    \conwhiline       (B)     (D);
    \connection[red]  (E.-45) (B)          {field strength};
    \connection[redl] (B)     (H.-115)     {magnetic};

    \connection[red]  (D.-40) (H)          {excitation};
    \connectpos[blue] (D)     (B)     0.35 {2-forms};
    \connection[redl] (E.60)  (D)          {electric};

enter image description here

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