[Tex/LaTex] Drawing Benzene resonance mechanism, and reaction mechanism + curly arrows


I am new to LaTeX and there are few things at which I am stuck.

I can draw benzene with alternate double bonds but I don't know how to draw curly arrows to show bond shifting and electrophile attack.

Benzene Bond Shifting

I would like to show reaction mechanism of benzene like this:

Nitration of benzene Part 1
(source: chemguide.co.uk)

Nitration of benzene Part 1
(source: chemguide.co.uk)


Detailed reaction mechanism
(source: ucla.edu)


There is one another thing I need an expert opinion. I wanted to show covalent bonding in comparison with excited and grounded state of electron. This is the code that I have written. Is there any better way to show Cl sharing its electron than what I have done (adding lots of space in my opinion is not a best way)?

And is possible to draw a curly arrow from the second box to the third to show that an electron is given energy to go to a higher energy level?

Covalent sharing

\documentclass [11pt] {book}
$_4$Be~: 1s$^2$~2s$^2$
Ground State:
\hline $\upharpoonleft$$\downharpoonright$ \\ 
\hline $\upharpoonleft$$\downharpoonright$ \\ 
\hline ~~~&~~~&~~~\\ 
Excited State:\begin{tabular}{|c|}
\hline $\upharpoonleft$$\downharpoonright$ \\ 
\hline $\upharpoonleft$~ \\ 
\hline $\upharpoonleft$~~&~~~&~~~\\ 




Best Answer

chemfig allows to add explizit node names to either bonds or atoms in its formulae by using the @{<name>} syntax. These names can be used in a tikzpicture with the options remember picture, overlay to draw the curved arrows. chemfig provides the wrapper \chemmove for this. So a combination of chemfig and TikZ can be used to draw the schemes. (BTW: the chemfig manual actually has quite a few examples of such schemes...)

Here is something that might get you started:

  elmove/.style={->,shorten >=3pt, shorten <=3pt}

  \draw (db1) .. controls  +(90:5mm) and  +(45:5mm) .. (sb1) ;
  \draw (db2) .. controls +(180:5mm) and +(135:5mm) .. (sb2) ;
  \draw (db3) .. controls +(270:5mm) and +(225:5mm) .. (sb3) ;
  \draw (db4) .. controls   +(0:5mm) and +(315:5mm) .. (sb4) ;
  % similar the others


  \arrow(benzene.base east--.base west){->[][][15pt]}
  \draw[shorten <=-5pt] (b) .. controls +(30:5mm) and +(-90:1cm) .. (N) ;


enter image description here

My package modiagram can be used to draw the electronic state diagram. IMHO It doesn't fit perfectly and a TikZ-only solution may be preferable. On the other hand the code is rather easy:


% necessary due to stupid bug in `modiagram':
\newcommand*\makecolonother{\catcode`\:=12 }

\ch{_4Be}: 1s$^2$~2s$^2$

ground state:
    (AO2.north) .. controls +(0,.5) and +(0,.5) .. (AO3.north) ;

excited state:
    (AO2.south) -- ++(-100:3mm) node[below] {Cl} ;
    (AO3.south) -- ++(-80:3mm) node[below] {Cl} ;


enter image description here

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