TikZ-PGF – Drawing Abstract Region with Partitions

decorationspgf-decorationsrandom numberstikz-pgf

I want to draw an abstract region with five partitions, where each partition is shaded and labeled differently. An example region (without the shading) would be as follows:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Here's one basic option using TikZ and clipping and filling in the appropriate order:



  coordinate (aux0) at (0,1.5)
  coordinate (aux1) at (0,3.5)
  coordinate (aux2) at (10,3.5)
  coordinate (aux3) at (9,6)
  coordinate (aux4) at (4,0)
  coordinate (aux5) at (7,0)
  coordinate (aux6) at (2,6)
  coordinate (aux7) at (5,6)
  coordinate (esp1) at (0.2,2.5)
  coordinate (esp2) at (1.5,1.5)
  coordinate (esp3) at (3,0.1)
  coordinate (esp4) at (5.5,1.1)
  coordinate (esp5) at (8,0.5)
  coordinate (esp6) at (8.75,2)
  coordinate (esp7) at (9.7,3)
  coordinate (esp8) at (6.5,4.5)
  coordinate (esp9) at (3.8,5.8)
  coordinate (esp10) at (1.5,4)
\draw[line width=0.8pt]
  (esp1) to[out=-90,in=170]
  (esp2) to[out=-10,in=170]
  (esp3) to[out=-10,in=180]
  (esp4) to[out=0,in=180]
  (esp5) to[out=10,in=-150]
  (esp6) to[out=20,in=-90]
  (esp7) to[out=90,in=-60]
  (esp8) to[out=120,in=0]
  (esp9) to[out=180,in=0]
  (esp10) to[out=180,in=90]
  (esp1) to[out=-90,in=170]
  (esp2) to[out=-10,in=170]
  (esp3) to[out=-10,in=180]
  (esp4) to[out=0,in=180]
  (esp5) to[out=10,in=-150]
  (esp6) to[out=20,in=-90]
  (esp7) to[out=90,in=-60]
  (esp8) to[out=120,in=0]
  (esp9) to[out=180,in=0]
  (esp10) to[out=180,in=90]
  (aux4) to[bend right=10]
  (aux6) --
  (aux7) to[bend left=10]
  (aux5) -- cycle;
  (aux5) to[bend right=10]
  (aux7) --
  (10,6) --
  (10,0) -- cycle;
  (aux0) -- 
  (aux1) to[bend right=10]
  (aux3) --
  (10,6) -- 
  (aux2) to[bend left=10] cycle;
  (0,0) -- 
  (aux4) to[bend right=10]
  (aux6) --
  (0,6) -- 
  (0,0) -- cycle;
  (0,6) -- 
  (aux1) to[bend right=10]
  (aux3) --
  (0,6) -- cycle;
\node at (4,5) {$E_1$};  
\node at (2,2) {$E_2$};  
\node at (6,3.3) {$E_3$};  
\node at (4.4,1.3) {$E_4$};  
\node at (7.5,2) {$E_5$};  


enter image description here