[Tex/LaTex] Drawing a multiple input – multiple output system diagram with TiKz


I am trying to draw a multiple input – multiple output system with TiKz but I'm having several problems to get it right (lines well separated and aligned, et cetera).

I have searched for examples but I could not find anything that looks like to what I want to draw. It would be something like the following (3 inputs and 5 outputs):


Best Answer

Is this what you looking for:

enter image description here



node distance = 4mm and 22mm
\node (adc) [draw,minimum size=24mm] {ADC};
\coordinate[above left = of adc.west]   (a1);
\coordinate[below = of a1]              (a2);
\coordinate[below = of a2]              (a3);
\coordinate[above right= 8mm and 22mm of adc.east]  (b1);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {2,...,5} 
    \coordinate[below=of b\xi]  (b\i);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {X,Y,Z}
\draw[-latex']  (a\xi) node[left] {\i} -- (a\xi-| adc.west);
\foreach \i [count=\xi from 1] in {A,B,...,E}
    \draw[-latex'] (adc.east |- b\xi) -- (b\xi) node[right] {\i};