[Tex/LaTex] Drawing a circle around a node that looks like an arrow


So I'm using TikZ, not too well-versed in it, and I would like to draw a node (unlabeled, just a dot) and with a dashed circle around it that has an arrow on it (this indicates direction). Basically something like this:


So far what I figure I could do: make the node, which I have as

\node[style={circle,draw=black,inner sep=1.4pt,fill}] (a) at (0,0) {};

And then make a circle

\node[style={circle,dashed,draw=black, very thick,inner sep=5pt}] (b) at (0,0) {};

And then I'm not sure how to add the arrow end on that circle, and I was hoping you guys could help!

It would be swell if all this could be done with a single instance of a node (in the text), but any help at all is appreciated.

Best Answer

A simple adaptation of How to put a symbol inside a circle arrow? yields the desired result (blue circle). However, if you are doing this in a tikzpicture you can just draw it directly (red circle):

enter image description here



    \tikz [x=1.0ex,y=1.0ex,line width=.15ex, draw=blue, #1]%
        \draw [->,anchor=center, densely dashed]%
            node (0,0) {#2}%
            (0,1.2\@SizeOfCirc) arc (85:-240:1.2\@SizeOfCirc);%


    \draw [fill=blue, draw=blue] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
    \draw [->,anchor=center, densely dashed, thick, draw=red]
        (85:0.25cm)  arc (85:-240:0.25cm);