[Tex/LaTex] Draw with latex


I am new to latex and I would like to ask, if I could draw the picture below directly with latex ? If yes, could please anyone help me with it ?

enter image description here

Best Answer

an alternative with tikz:

enter image description here

\documentclass[tikz, border=3mm]{standalone}
    node distance = 0pt,
shorten <>/.style = {shorten >=#1, shorten <=#1},
       box/.style = {%
            minimum height=12mm, text width=24mm, align=center,
            draw,  semithick, fill=white, outer sep=0pt,
            drop shadow},%
            circle, draw, fill=white, drop shadow,
            minimum size=6mm, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,
            node contents={\huge$+$}},
         A/.style = {single arrow, draw, minimum height=8mm,
                     single arrow head extend=1mm,
                     shape border rotate=#1, fill=white, outer sep=0pt,
                     node contents={}},
\node (n1) [A=0,label=left:{$f(x,y)$}];
\node (n2) [box,right=of n1] {Degradation\\ function\\$H$};
\node (n3) [A=0,right=of n2];
\node (n4) [sum,right=of n3];
\node (n5) [A=0,label=right:{$g(x,y)$},
            right=of n4];
\node (n6) [A=90,label=right:{$\eta(x,y)$},
            below=of n4];
            right=of n4,
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