[Tex/LaTex] Draw two circles with line connecting them as in attachment


Would you please help me in drawing two circles with a line (middle arrow) connecting them.


Sorry I could not post the image.

Thank you so much.

Can you help me more? Here is my code. I need to draw that mid-arrowed line between the dot-filled circles.

Thank you

\draw [dotted] (0,1) -- (0,10);
\draw [dotted] (1.5,1.3) -- (1.5,10);
\draw [dotted] (3.0,1.3) -- (3.0,10);
\draw [dotted] (4.5,1.3) -- (4.5,10);
\draw [dotted] (6.0,1.3) -- (6.0,10);
\draw [dotted] (7.5,1.3) -- (7.5,10);

% Lower Row
\filldraw[pattern=dots] (7.5,1) circle (0.2) ;
\filldraw[pattern=dots] (6.0,1) circle (0.2);
\filldraw[pattern=dots] (4.5,1) circle (0.2);
\draw (3.0,1) circle (0.2);

Best Answer

Here is a modification of your posted code with the arrows added.

Sample output



  \draw [dotted] (0,1) -- (0,10);
  \draw [dotted] (1.5,1.3) -- (1.5,10);
  \draw [dotted] (3.0,1.3) -- (3.0,10);
  \draw [dotted] (4.5,1.3) -- (4.5,10);
  \draw [dotted] (6.0,1.3) -- (6.0,10);
  \draw [dotted] (7.5,1.3) -- (7.5,10);

  % Lower Row
  \draw[pattern=dots] (7.5,1) node[circle,minimum size=0.4cm,draw,fill] (A) {};
  \draw[pattern=dots] (6.0,1) node[circle,minimum size=0.4cm,draw,fill] (B) {};
  \draw[pattern=dots] (4.5,1) node[circle,minimum size=0.4cm,draw,fill] (C) {};
  \draw (3.0,1) circle (0.2);

  % Arrows
  \draw[->] (B.east) -- ($(B.east)!0.5!(A.west)$);
  \draw ($(B.east)!0.5!(A.west)$) -- (A.west);
  \draw[->] (C.east) -- ($(C.east)!0.5!(B.west)$);
  \draw ($(C.east)!0.5!(B.west)$) -- (B.west);


The main change is to turn the circles in to nodes that are labelled. We can then refer to anchor positions such as A.west for attaching the lines.