[Tex/LaTex] Draw tikzpicture in figure caption


I want to make a small tikzpicture inside the caption of a figure, I namely want to create a legend of a plot in the caption. I have read section 4.9.6 Legends with \label and \ref from the pgfplots manual. However I compile my plots to a .pdf file and then insert it in my document, so I cannot use that.

The following minimal example triggers an error ! Argument of \@caption has an extra }

      \draw[black] (0pt,0pt) -- (15pt,0pt);                                       

How can I solve this?

Best Answer

I don't see the need for boxes here, you can simply use:


    \draw[#1] (0pt,0pt) -- (15pt,0pt);                                       

\caption{test \drawline[ultra thick]}
\caption{test \drawline[red,dashed]}


enter image description here

Since \drawline has an optional argument, LaTeX protecting mechanism is automatically used; had the definition been given as

    \draw[#1] (0pt,0pt) -- (15pt,0pt);                                       


\caption{test \drawline{ultra thick}}

would fail on the second run. In this case one would have to use

\caption{test \protect\drawline{ultra thick}}

or, better yet, protect the command from the definition itself:

    \draw[#1] (0pt,0pt) -- (15pt,0pt);                                       

(Thanks to Joseph Wright).