pstricks – How to Draw Tally Marks Using PSTricks


Inspired by Paulo Cereda's question here, I would like to draw tally marks using PSTricks (or TikZ, if no one can help with PSTricks).

I have no idea how to start, so I cannot even present a try myself. :( (This is not good, I know!)

What I would like to have, is a command like \tallymarks;


and get an output like the following:


without the table and the arabic numerals, i.e., only the tally marks themselves.

Update 1

Inspired by Herbert's idea, here is an attempt to use PSTricks.




    {\Tally E}\addtocounter{TallyTemp}{-5}%
  \ifnum\theTallyTemp>0 \expandafter\tallymark\expandafter{\theTallyTemp}\fi




When compiling, I get an error:

! Undefined control sequence.
\tallymark ...ounter {TallyTemp}{-5}\else {\Tally 
                                                  \ifcase #1\or \tallymarksO...
l.50 \tallymark{0}

Update 2

Garbage Coloector's hinted me to the following in the PSTricks manual, but the code won't compile:



\pscurve[#1](! #2 rand 101 mod 1000 div sub
#3 rand 101 mod 1000 div sub)
(! #4 rand 101 mod 1000 div sub
#5 rand 101 mod 1000 div sub)
(! #6 rand 101 mod 1000 div sub
#7 rand 101 mod 1000 div sub)
(! #8 rand 101 mod 1000 div sub
#9 rand 101 mod 1000 div sub)}

\divide\pst@cnth by 5
\multiply\pst@cnth by 5
\hbox to 0.2\psxunit{}


& 27 & \PstSticks{27} \\ \hline
Mac OS X
& 14 & \PstSticks{14} \\ \hline
Windows XP & 43 & \PstSticks{43} \\ \hline


The error is

! Undefined control sequence.
<inserted text> \pst 
                     @cnta=\iStick \pst @cnth=\iStick \divide \pst @cnth by ...
l.38 & 27 & \PstSticks{27}
                           \\ \hline

Best Answer

with xelatex or lualatex. The font TallyMark is available from

    {\Tally E}\addtocounter{TallyTemp}{-5}%
  \ifnum\theTallyTemp>0 \expandafter\tallymark\expandafter{\theTallyTemp}\fi




enter image description here

If you want to use PSTricks then define the commands \ONE, \TWO, ... and draw the lines. Really simple:


    \tallymarksFive\kern14pt \addtocounter{TallyTemp}{-5}%
    \tallymarksOne\kern3pt \addtocounter{TallyTemp}{-1}\or
    \tallymarksTwo\kern6pt \addtocounter{TallyTemp}{-2}\or
    \tallymarksThree\kern9pt \addtocounter{TallyTemp}{-3}\or
    \tallymarksFour\kern12pt \addtocounter{TallyTemp}{-4}\or
    \tallymarksFive\kern14pt \addtocounter{TallyTemp}{-5}%
  \ifnum\theTallyTemp>0 \expandafter\tallymark\expandafter{\theTallyTemp}\fi




enter image description here