[Tex/LaTex] Draw line below frame title in beamer


How can I draw a line just below the title of the frame using the beamer class? I want a clear separation between the title of the frame and the content of the frame. Also, I want the block environment to be shaded in blue. The LaTeX code I'm using is

\author[Mister X]{X}
\date{January 15, 2012}

\begin{frame}\frametitle{part 1}
 The following proposition is easy to prove.
 some statement


Best Answer

You could do it with TikZ, referring to the current page node:

  \tikz[remember picture,overlay] {%
    \draw[blue] ([yshift=-1cm]current page.north west)
             -- ([yshift=-1cm,xshift=\paperwidth]current page.north west);}}
\begin{frame}\frametitle{part 1}

line in frame