[Tex/LaTex] Draw graphs (DAGs) in Latex


I am searching for a latex package which allows to draw something like the DAGs in this page.

Does anyone know how to draw them?

Thanks for the support!

Best Answer

Generally "do it for me" kind of questions are not welcome in this site. But this is your first day on the site. So here we go.

Here is a sample with tikz.

    \node[ellipse,draw] at (0,0) {Blob};
      \node[ellipse,draw] (a) at (0,0) {Blob};
      \node[ellipse,draw,above = 2cm of a] (b) {Tree};
      \draw[-latex] (b) to[out=20,in=-20,looseness=4]
                        node [right,font=\tiny,align=left] {subdir\\+filename} (b);
      \node[ellipse,draw,above = 2cm of b,align=center] (c) {commit\\-message};
      \draw[-latex] (c) to[out=20,in=-20,looseness=4]
                        node [right,font=\tiny,align=left] {parents} (c);
      \draw[-latex] (c) -- (b);
      \draw[-latex] (b) -- node[right, align=left]{+ File name \\ + node} (a);

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