[Tex/LaTex] Draw directory tree using folder icons


I need to create a figure like the following one

An image shows a directory tree using folders icons. What do you suggest me to do?

Best Answer

Here's one possibility using forest and TikZ:

enter image description here

The code:



    (-20pt,14pt) -- 
    (-17pt,17pt) --
    (-1pt,17pt) --
    (1pt,19pt) --
    (12pt,19pt) --
    (14pt,17pt) --
    (17pt,17pt) --
    (20pt,14pt) -- cycle;
  \draw[line width=0.75pt,white] 
    (-18.5pt,14pt) -- 
    (-15.5pt,16.5pt) --
    (0.5pt,16.5pt) --
    (2pt,18.3pt) --
    (10.5pt,18.3pt) --
    (12.5pt,16.5pt) --
    (15.5pt,16.5pt) --
    (18.5pt,14pt) -- cycle;
  \draw[rounded corners,top color=#1,bottom color=#1!30] 
    (-23pt,14pt) -- 
    (23pt,14pt) --
    (21pt,-14pt) --
    (-21pt,-14pt) -- cycle;
  \draw[rounded corners,line width=1pt,white] 
    (-22pt,13pt) -- 
    (22pt,13pt) --
    (20pt,-13pt) --
    (-20pt,-13pt) -- cycle;


for tree={
  parent anchor=south,
  child anchor=north,
  node options={inner sep=11pt},
  l sep=25pt,
  s sep=40pt,


The command \myfolder has one mandatory argument for the label of the folder and an optional argument for the color.