[Tex/LaTex] Draw a surface on a ternary diagram with pgfplots


I'd like to draw a surface on a ternary diagram.

Until now, I can plot density maps on a ternary diagram (cf. density map).
But I would like to replace the density map by a surface, like on figs a and b.

Is it possible to do it with tikzpgfplotsternaryaxistikz-3dplot ?

Best Answer

Regarding the two-dimensional ternary axes in your screen shot: yes, using its patch plots:


    axis on top,
    point meta=\thisrow{C}
] table{
     X Y Z C
     0 0 1  100
     1 0 0  0
     0.5 0.5 0  0

     0.5 0.5 0  0
     0 1 0  20
     0 0 1 100

enter image description here

The plot handler expects a series of patches, per default using patch type=triangle. In my case, I provided two triangles, and provided the color data in column C of the input table.

All other plot handlers should work as well, even surf which expects a matrix of input values.

Regarding the three-d visualization: there is no builtin support for such axes.