CircuitikZ – How to Draw a Special Element in CircuitikZ


I need to draw a wire that looks like

enter image description here

That is the symbol my lecturer uses for the Josephson junction. I googled a bit and it seems to be the commonly used symbol for such an element, so it would be useful to have a way to implement it in circuitikz.

I use pgfplots as well as tikzexternalize, which forces me to start the circuitikz environments with \begin{tikzpicture}, if that makes any difference.

EDIT (as requested in comment): I would like to use the element between a and d in the following circuit:

      \draw (0,0)
        node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:a}] {}
      to[short,*-*] (1.732,1)
        node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:d}] {};
      \draw (0,0)
      to[C=$C$,*-*] (-1.732,1)
        node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:b}] {};
      \draw (0,0)
      to[L=$L$,*-*] (0,-2)
        node[label={[font=\footnotesize]east:c}] {};
    \caption{Explaining conventions}

The code produces the following in my document:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Using a native circuitikz symbol known as barrier:

enter image description here


      \draw (0,0)
        node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:a}] {}
      to[barrier,*-*] (1.732,1)
        node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:d}] {};
      \draw (0,0)
      to[C=$C$,*-*] (-1.732,1)
        node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:b}] {};
      \draw (0,0)
      to[L=$L$,*-*] (0,-2)
        node[label={[font=\footnotesize]east:c}] {};
    \caption{Explaining conventions}
