[Tex/LaTex] Draw a hemisphere (or just a segment of a sphere)


Drawing a sphere is easy enough using the ball shading, or some more refined form as in How to draw a shaded sphere, but I would like a way to shade only one half (or even just slices). I currently have the following:

%% helpers for 3D sphere drawing
\newcommand\LongitudePlane[3][current plane]{%
  \pgfmathsinandcos\sinEl\cosEl{#2} % elevation
  \pgfmathsinandcos\sint\cost{#3} % azimuth
\newcommand\LatitudePlane[3][current plane]{%
  \pgfmathsinandcos\sinEl\cosEl{#2} % elevation
  \pgfmathsinandcos\sint\cost{#3} % latitude
  \tikzset{#1/.style={cm={\cost,0,0,\cost*\sinEl,(0,\yshift)}}} %
  \tikzset{current plane/.prefix style={scale=#1}}
  % angle of "visibility"
  \pgfmathsetmacro\angVis{atan(sin(#2)*cos(\angEl)/sin(\angEl))} %
  \draw[current plane, very thin] (\angVis:1) arc (\angVis:\angVis+180:1);
  \draw[current plane,dashed,very thin] (\angVis-180:1) arc (\angVis-180:\angVis:1);
  \tikzset{current plane/.prefix style={scale=#1}}
  % angle of "visibility"
  \draw[current plane] (\angVis:1) arc (\angVis:-\angVis-180:1);
  \draw[current plane,dashed] (180-\angVis:1) arc (180-\angVis:\angVis:1);

\def\R{2.5} % sphere radius
\def\angEl{35} % elevation angle
\def\angAz{-105} % azimuth angle
% sphere
\filldraw[ball color=blue, opacity=.2] (0,0) circle (\R);

%\draw[xyplane] (-2*\R,-2*\R) rectangle (2.2*\R,2.8*\R);
\draw[xyplane,->] (-2.25*\R,0) -- (2.75*\R,0) node[below right] {$k_x$};
\draw[xyplane,->] (0, -1.1*\R)-- (0,1.5*\R) node[below left] {$k_y$};
\draw[->] (0,-1.25*\R) -- (0,1.5*\R) node[below right] {$k_z$};

% meridians
\foreach \t in {-80,-60,...,80} { \DrawLatitudeCircle[\R]{\t} }
\foreach \t in {-5,-35,...,-175} { \DrawLongitudeCircle[\R]{\t} }


Which I got from this paper which refers to this TeXample from which I got the above projected drawing code.
I unfortunately do not see a way to properly turn this into a sliced sphere or hemisphere at the least. As an additional improvement, perhaps the inside of the sphere can be "dark-shaded", such that the result looks like what I can do "easily" with Mathematica:

enter image description here

I understand the above needs some work wrt the line color and all, but what interests me here is the sectioning and the shading of the inside of the sphere.
I would guess some handy clip action and two ball shadings with different opacities might get me close, but I have no idea how to get the clipping to work.


Best Answer

enter image description here

Here is a modification of the example in section 3.6.5 of the The tikz-3dplot Package manual.

\usetikzlibrary{calc,3d,intersections, positioning,intersections,shapes}


  \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2,line join=bevel,tdplot_main_coords,%
    fill opacity=.5]
    {1}{black}{\tdplotphi + 3*\tdplottheta}%
    {\draw[color=black,thick,->] (0,0,0)
      -- (2,0,0) node[anchor=north east]{$x$};}%
      {\draw[color=black,thick,->] (0,0,0)
        -- (0,2,0) node[anchor=north west]{$y$};}%
        {\draw[color=black,thick,->] (0,0,0)
          -- (0,0,2) node[anchor=south]{$z$};}%

In addition, here is the pgfplots version:


\usetikzlibrary{calc,3d,shapes, pgfplots.external}

      samples=50,domain=0:360,y domain=0:90,
    axis lines=center]
    ({cos(x)*cos(y)}, {sin(x)*cos(y)}, {sin(y)});


and here the pic:

Half sphere with psgfig