[Tex/LaTex] Draw a graph with lines, arrows and text


How can I draw a graph like the one in the picture?
enter image description here

I'm fairly new to Latex and I only know that I can draw lines with \line or \hrule but I have no clue how to draw a graph like this…

In addition I would like to put two arrows in front of the horizontal line (in front of the day market), with some additional text (for two actions happening before the day market).

Best Answer

as starting point ...

\documentclass[tikz, margin=5pt]{standalone}

  TL/.style = {very thick, Bar[width=4mm]},% as Time Line :-)
tbox/.style = {font=\Large\bfseries\sffamily},
bbox/.style = {text width=4cm, align=left, inner sep=2mm}
\draw[TL]                (-5,0) -- (5,0);
\draw[TL,densely dashed] (0,2mm) -- (0,-2mm);
\node [tbox,above]  at (-2.4,0) {DAY (DM)};
\node [tbox,above]  at ( 2.4,0) {NIGHT (CM)};
\node [bbox,below right] at (-5,0) {xx xx xx xxx xxx xxx xxx\\ 
                                    yy yy yyy yyy yyyy\\
                                    zzzzz zz zzzz z z zzz};
\node [bbox,below right] at (0,0) {xx xx xx xxx xxx xxx xxx\\
                                    yy yy yyy yyy yyyy\\
                                    zzzzz zz zzzz z z zzz};

Edit: instead of >={Bar[width=4mm]} is defined new style for vectors: Vect/.style = {very thick, Bar[width=4mm]} and accordingly changed code for line.

enter image description here