[Tex/LaTex] Draw a decorative line thin – thick – thin


Does anybody know how you can draw a line, that starts very thin and then gets thick to the middle and then thin again? I hope this is clear because I cannot produce a minimal example here.
I think this should be possible with tikz but any solution / suggestion would be welcome.

I would like to use it to separate the Author from the title on the titlepage.

Best Answer

Three ways with tikz: using the calligraphy library (for pen like strokes), making a very thin losangle and a very thin ellipse.

\node[minimum size=5cm]{};
\pen (0,0);
\calligraphy (-1,0) -- (1,0);
\fill (-1,-.25) -- ++(1,.1mm) -- ++(1,-.1mm) -- ++(-1,-.1mm) -- cycle;
\fill (0,-0.5) circle[x radius=1cm, y radius=.1mm];

enter image description here

Ridicolous zoom:

enter image description here