[Tex/LaTex] Double strikeout


I'm using the ulem for strikethrough, but need two formats of strikethrough. I'm currently using \dout{text} which looks good, but the second\xout{text} makes the base text a little too unreadable.

I'm looking for a clean double-strikethrough… the closest I've gotten is:

\newcommand\dout{\bgroup \markoverwith{\rule[0.2ex]{0.1pt}{0.4pt}\rule[0.8ex]{0.1pt}{0.4pt}}\ULon}

but this creates a slight hatching effect. (It's good enough, but I figured I'd see if any of ye clever folk had a cleaner solution.)


Best Answer

This is modified from the double underline macro of ulem (note that \MakeRobust is also defined by that package):

 {\kern-.03em\vbox{\hrule width.2em\kern0.45ex\hrule}\kern-.03em}}%

and seems to work quite well:
