[Tex/LaTex] Double spacing when using classicthesis.sty


The answer provided in this question does not work with classicthesis: Double line spacing

Specifically, using setspace and \doublespacing does not work. Using \linespread does but this introduces spacing in e.g. figure captions and tables too, which is not optimal.

Classicthesis can be found here: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/classicthesis

Since Classicthesis is used a lot for PhD theses, and a lot of these are required to be double spaced, I'm probably not the only one who's had this problem. Somebody had previously asked this question and it was (erroneously?) marked as a duplicate, linking back to the question above.

I'm not sure if I need to edit something in classicthesis.sty itself?

Best Answer

Is it a humanities thesis? Single-sided double-spaced not only looks awful but is a criminal waste of paper these days. I use


which has been green-lighted as perfectly acceptable.