[Tex/LaTex] Double row heading in pgfplotstable


Good day all!
I store tables on CSV files and use pgfplotstable package to call the files. This works fine but I have a challenge. I need to bring the units in bracket (i.e (MeV) and (mb/MeV/sr) e.t.c.) to the next line so that I'll have two lines dedicated to the head row and the width of the coulumns does not get too large. I need someone to help me out! Please find below an excerpt of my latex code. Thanks in advance…

\caption{\label{tab:knockho3}As in table~\ref{tab:knockho1} but for complementary angles of \mbox{$60^\circ - 120^\circ$}.} 
\pgfplotstabletypeset[col sep=comma,
    columns/Energy (MeV)/.style={string type},
    columns/Experiment (mb/MeV/sr)/.style={string type},
    columns/Error (mb/MeV/sr)/.style={string type},
    columns/Simulation (mb/MeV/sr)/.style={string type},
    every head row/.style={
        before row=\toprule,
        after row=\midrule},
    every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule}

Best Answer

Answer the Unanswered....

You can either enforce a line break in the header cells via various boxes or just use another row dedicated for the units. A quick example with made-up data and units(hopefully I got the right ones).


\caption{Complementary angles of $60^\circ - 120^\circ$.}
\pgfplotstabletypeset[%col sep=comma,
    every col no 0/.style={column name=Energy},
    every col no 1/.style={column name=Experiment},
    every col no 2/.style={column name=Error},
    every col no 3/.style={column name=Simulation},
    every head row/.append style={
        before row=\toprule,
        after row/.add={}{%
        & {[\si{\milli\barn\per\mega\electronvolt\per\steradian}]}%
        & {[\si{\milli\barn\per\mega\electronvolt\per\steradian}]}%
        & {[\si{\milli\barn\per\mega\electronvolt\per\steradian}]}\\ \midrule
    every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule}
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12


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