[Tex/LaTex] Double-bar notation for second-order tensors4


I found it interesting to represent a tensor with the notation normally used by my professor. Looking for respect to the mathematical symbol I found this code from this post, very interesting.

I would like to insert this command below,I modified the code but the result with '\underline' is not pleasant

\overline{u'_{i}u'_{j}u'_{i,j}} = \rttensor{T}

but the result is not satisfactory. The command with \bar is aesthetically superior, but I can not find a way to put it underneath


\overline{(\rho'u'_{i})} = \rttensortwo{T}

I think another possible solution could be this, but I have some doubts about it and I have to look more carefully.

others have had experience with this?




$\overline{u'_{i}u'_{j}u'_{i,j}} = \rttensor{T}$
$\overline{(\rho'u'_{i})} = \rttensortwo{T}$

I found a problem with the position of the double bar in a certain type of tensor


\newcommand*{\barbI}[1]{\stackunder[1.0pt]{$#1$}{\rule{1.0ex}{0.095ex}}} %% One bar
\newcommand*{\barbII}[1]{\barbI{\barbI{#1}}}%% double bar
\newcommand{\TRII}{\ensuremath{ \barbII{T_{R}}}} %% Tensore di Reynols 


$\TRII$ \quad\text{Tensore di Reynolds}\\



enter image description here





   \item $\barbII{T}_{R}$ 
    \item   $ \TRII $ < ----- Optimal Solution


enter image description here

Best Answer

Do you mean something like \barbelow in this MWE, which can be recursively used? Taken from my answer at \bar below symbol

\( \overline{A} \bar{A} \barbelow{A} \barbelow{\barbelow{A}} \)

enter image description here

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