[Tex/LaTex] Dotted line in ToC despite \cftsetpnumwidth

horizontal alignmenttable of contentstocloft

Using the package tocloft I have a problem with the dotted line in my ToC.
For I'm using roman page numbering I have numbers of about XXVIII or something like that which is too wide for the obviously pre-set \pnumwidth. It flows of my right margin which looks quite unaesthetic. So to get the numbering ragged right I put the numbers into a box with \cftsetpnumwidth{}.

Now the problem is that the dotted line stops when reaching that box (which I know is quite obvious). But can I somehow get the dots until the number starts? Something like setting the pagenumbering raggedright with another command without using a numberbox?
If anybody knows a solution for that problem I would be very happy to hear! Thanks in advance!

In the following my minimal example:

\documentclass[listof=totocnumbered,9pt,a4paper,ngerman]{scrartcl} % Verzeichnisse im IV aufgeführt mit Nr.

\usepackage[titles]{tocloft} % Formatierung der Vezeichnisse



\renewcommand{\cftdotsep}{0.5} % Einstellung der Punktabstände im VZ

\tableofcontents % Inhaltsverzeichnis



\listoffigures % Abb-VZ

\listoftables % Tab-VZ




Best Answer

Due to the general nature of tocloft, it sets all page numbers in a box of width \@pnumwidth. A quick fix to remove the boxing nature and in line with what you're after (right-aligned, "variable-width" page number boxes) is to remove the \makebox[<width>][<alignment>]{<stuff>} capability:

\tableofcontents % Inhaltsverzeichnis

The above temporarily makes \makebox a no-op during the setting of \tableofcontents.

enter image description here

\documentclass[listof=totocnumbered,9pt,a4paper,ngerman]{scrartcl} % Verzeichnisse im IV aufgeführt mit Nr.

\usepackage[titles]{tocloft} % Formatierung der Vezeichnisse



\renewcommand{\cftdotsep}{0.5} % Einstellung der Punktabstände im VZ

\tableofcontents % Inhaltsverzeichnis



\listoffigures % Abb-VZ

\listoftables % Tab-VZ



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