[Tex/LaTex] Document class scrartcl – printing bibliography


I can't get the bibliography to print when I use document class scrartcl. Can anyone help me understand why?


ref.bib file contents:

    AUTHOR  = "Michael A. Mooney and Joel T. Nigg and Shannon K. McWeeney and Beth Wilmot",
    TITLE   = "Functional and genomic context in pathway analysis of GWAS data",
    YEAR    = "2014",
    JOURNAL = "Trends in Genetics",
    VOLUME  = "30",
    NUMBER  = "9",
    PAGES   = 390--400

Best Answer

You missed in your bib entry two ":

PAGES   = "390--400"

Adding them your MWE compiles. BTW: better use {...} instead of "...". But now you get only an empty bibliography because you did not cite any bib entry in your MWE.

Please see the following MWE. It comiles and because I added command \nocite{*} (to test all bib entries!) it shows an bibliography after compiling three times (pdflatex, bibtex, pdflatex, pdflatex).

MWE (package filecontentsis used to have bib file and tex code in one MWE, only for this example!):

  AUTHOR  = {Michael A. Mooney and Joel T. Nigg and Shannon K. McWeeney and Beth Wilmot},
  TITLE   = {Functional and genomic context in pathway analysis of GWAS data},
  YEAR    = {2014},
  JOURNAL = {Trends in Genetics},
  VOLUME  = {30},
  NUMBER  = {9},
  PAGES   = {390--400},

%  epsfig % not needed for this problem!



and the result:

enter image description here

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