[Tex/LaTex] Document Class for Reference Cards


I've seen a bunch of reference cards (either obviously or known-to-be TeX'd) that look exactly alike in format. Is there a documentclass or environment that's being done to enable this or, if not, how could it be implemented in a LaTeX-y, separate-content-from-formatting kind of way?

Best Answer

As a start. Class version tested and seems to produce the same output, with a few changes to \maketitle. Edits welcome.

Example output


% Page layout

% Title area
\usepackage{titling} % Allows for use of date, author, etc. after \maketitle
% Ref: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/3988/titlesec-versus-titling-mangling-thetitle
{\begin{center}\Large \mythetitle\end{center}}

% Document divisions
\usepackage{nopageno} % To keep \section from resetting page style

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % disabling indentation by default

% Lists
\usepackage{enumitem} % for consistent formatting of lists
\usepackage{calc} % for \widthof

% Code


\title{\LaTeXe Cheat Sheet}
\author{Winston Chang}


\section{Document classes}

\item[book] Default is two-sided.
\item[report] No \texttt{part} divisions.

\subsection{Common \texttt{documentclass} options}

\item[10pt/11pt/12pt] Font size.
\item[letterpaper/a4paper] Paper size.
\item[draft] Double-space lines.

\section{Document structure}


\lstinline|\part{title}| \\
\lstinline|\chapter{title}| \\
\lstinline|\section{title}| \\
\lstinline|\subsection{title}| \\
\lstinline|\subsubsection{title}| \\
\lstinline|\paragraph{title}| \\

\section{Text properties}

\subsection{Font face}

Command & Declaration & Effect \\
\lstinline|\textrm{text}| & \lstinline|{\rmfamily text}| & \textrm{Roman family} \\
\lstinline|\textsf{text}| & \lstinline|{\sffamily text}| & \textsf{Sans serif family} \\

\section{Math mode}

\subsection{Math mode symbols}
\( \leq \) \verb|\leq| \\
\( \times \) \verb|\times| \\
\( ^{\circ} \) \verb|^{\circ}| \\
\( \infty \) \verb|\infty| \\
\( \supset \) \verb|\supset| \\
\( \subset \) \verb|\subset| \\
\( \cup \) \verb|\cup| \\
\( \dot a \) \verb|\dot a| \\
\( \alpha \) \verb|\alpha| \\
\( \epsilon \) \verb|\epsilon| \\
\( \theta \) \verb|\theta| \\
\( \lambda \) \verb|\lambda| \\
\( \pi \) \verb|\pi| \\
\( \upsilon \) \verb|\upsilon|

\section{Filler material}


\noindent Copyright \textcopyright{} \thedate{} \theauthor{}
