Improving Spacing in TikZ Trees – Best Practices


I finally managed to make a genealogy tree with Tikz, but there are some spaces that I can't figure out how to increase between nodes:

\setmainfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{Minion Pro}
\setsansfont[Numbers=OldStyle, Ligatures=Rare]{Minion Pro}


\begin{tikzpicture}[draw, every node/.style={fill=Green, rectangle, rounded     corners},sibling distance=4cm,
level 6/.style={sibling distance=6cm}
\node {Maomé}
child {node (fatima) {Fátima}}
child {node (ali) {1. Ali} edge from parent [draw=none]
child {node {2. Hasan}}
child {node {3. Husayn} 
child {node {4. Ali Zaynu'l-Abidin}
child {node {Zayd} child {node [fill=green!30]{Zayditas}}}
child {node {5. Muhammad al-Baqir}
child {node {6. Jaafar al-Sadiq}
child {node {7. Ismail} child {node [fill=green!30] {Califado Ismaelita Fatímida do Egito}} child {node [fill=green!30]{Xiitas Ismaelitas}}}
child {node {7. Musa al-Kazim}
child {node {8. Ali al-Rida}
child {node {9. Muhammad al-Taqi}
child {node {10. Ali al-Hadi}
child {node {11. Hasan al-Askari}
child {node {12. Imam Mahdi}
child {node [fill=green!30] {Xiitas Duodecimais}}

\draw (fatima) -- (ali);


Which looks like this:

enter image description here

I've tried, but I can't increase space between 7-8.
Is there any way I can get a more even space between those nodes?

Best Answer

You can supply level distance=<larger value> to the child that starts the eighth level. This will influence all levels that follow, so you will need to reset it using level distance=<old value> for the next child.


    every node/.style={
        rounded corners
    sibling distance=4cm,
    level distance=12mm,
    level 6/.style={
        sibling distance=6cm
\node {Maomé}
child {node (fatima) {Fátima}}
child {node (ali) {1. Ali} edge from parent [draw=none]
child {node {2. Hasan}}
child {node {3. Husayn} 
child {node {4. Ali Zaynu'l-Abidin}
child {node {Zayd} child {node [fill=green!30]{Zayditas}}}
child {node {5. Muhammad al-Baqir}
child {node {6. Jaafar al-Sadiq}
child {node {7. Ismail} child {node [fill=green!30] {Califado Ismaelita Fatímida do Egito}} child {node [fill=green!30]{Xiitas Ismaelitas}}}
child {node {7. Musa al-Kazim}
child [level distance=24mm] {node {8. Ali al-Rida}
child [level distance=12mm] {node {9. Muhammad al-Taqi}
child {node {10. Ali al-Hadi}
child {node {11. Hasan al-Askari}
child {node {12. Imam Mahdi}
child {node [fill=green!30] {Xiitas Duodecimais}}

\draw (fatima) -- (ali);

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