[Tex/LaTex] Do not want Appendix to appear as a chapter


I have the following outline for my thesis, and when I compile, Appendix appears as a Chapter. And I do not want it as a chapter, just Appendix will be good. Is there anything wrong with my thesis outline?

\usepackage{enumerate}% http://ctan.org/pkg/enumerate

A Heron triangle is a triangle that …



\chapter{Background and Methodology}

\chapter{Values of $\delta(\mu)$}

\chapter{Existence of a Suitable Pair}





Also, I have a very very long set of \usepackage{}, is there a way I can place all this packages in a different Tex file and just re-call it on my thesis outline. I tried doing this but I guess something went wrong that it did not want to compile.

Best Answer

Typical \chapter representations include a heading as well as the chapter title. As such, issuing


may seem awkward since the repetition of Appendix seems redundant:

enter image description here

Instead, consider using only


enter image description here

Note that this implies the following:

  1. The appendix chapter will not appear in the ToC (this is the default). If you wish to include it, formatted the way other chapters are formatting, then add


    after \chapter*{Appendix}. The first option prints the appendix entry flush with the left margin. The second option (commented above) inserts the appropriate amount of horizontal space to line up with other numbered chapters in the ToC.

  2. Sectioning won't be used, since their enumeration will be flawed as it they still incorporate \thechapter. In addition you may have to also execute


    which strips the default \thechapter. prefix from the numbering.