[Tex/LaTex] distinct command for \widowpenalty and \clubpenalty in footnotes


I have found that setting \widowpenalty=10000\clubpenalty=10000 in the main document has not prevented widows and clubs from appearing occasionally in footnotes in a long and complex document I am working on.

I eliminated those widows and clubs by adding the same commands to a new command for creating footnotes:


but it seems to me that this is rather wasteful since it calls the two penalty commands over and over again. Is there, instead, a pair of commands that specify widow and club penalties for footnotes, and that only need to be called once?

Best Answer

Define for example \interfootnotelinepenalty=100 or try 10000ยท Macro \footnote uses the given \interfootnotelinepenalty if a pagebreak is necessary in your footnote.