[Tex/LaTex] Disabling use of long form when first using an acronym generated by glossaries


When using the acronym option of the glossaries-package, the first use of an acronym results in the display of

Long Entry (Short Entry)

I want to disable this globally. I know, I could just solve this by changing my entries for every single acronym. But I don't want to do this. There has to be some kind of command to do this?

\usepackage[acronym, shortcuts]{glossaries}      
\newacronym{key}{Short Entry}{Long Entry}

The first use of $\backslash $ac\{key\} displays ''Long Entry (Short Entry)'', but should only display ''Short Entry''.


Best Answer

If you only want the short entry use \acs{key} instead. You could say \let\ac\acs to make \ac equivalent to \acs, but this might cause trouble. Better is to search&replace existing \ac with \acs.