Biblatex – How to Disable Month in Bibliography


Currently my bibliography items are printed like this:

R. B. Griffiths, Nonanalytic Behavior Above the Critical Point in a Random Ising
Ferromagnet, Physical Review Letters 23 (July 1969), pp. 17–19 (cit. on p. 10).

which took quite some time to fiddle with a custom bibliography style in biblatex. The remaining issue is the month field. Instead of (July 1969) it should just print (1969). I have read every bit of the biblatex documentation concerning dates and there are hundreds of options but not once is there a possibility mentioned how to completely disable the month.

Do I have to dig down even further into biblatex or is there an easy or documented way to change the default behaviour?

Best Answer

You could add one or both of the following commands to your preamble:
