[Tex/LaTex] Disable caption of subfigure completely


I use the caption and subcaption packages to set up my figures. Sometimes I don't want to display any (sub-) captions at all.

I tried \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=empty} with an empty caption (\caption{}) which works, but the problem is, that the vertical space between the main-caption and the images is now too big, because the space for the sub-captions is still "reserved".

How do I fix this? I have a feeling it might be possible with the \DeclareCaption-Format command of the caption package, but I don't know how.

\caption{With caption labels enabled.}
\caption{With Subcaptions disabled. Spacing looks bad.}

Best Answer

According to Zarko, you must delete the extraneous empty caption{} where you dont want to have neither caption nor space (ie on line 23 and 27). By this way your\captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=empty} is not needed.

The more elaborate suggestion of Bernard dont resolve the problem without removing the unwanted caption{}, as some extra space is still added.