[Tex/LaTex] Digital circuits


A can't find examples about what I want to do with the circuitTikZ package. I want to put a letter and a black port at the left of this circuit and I want the nand4 to act like an inverter.

\begin{circuitikz} \draw
(0,2) node[nand port] (nand4) {}
(2,3) node[nand port] (nand3) {}
(4,2) node[nand port] (nand2) {}
(0,0) node[nand port] (nand1) {}
(nand1.out) |- (nand2.in 2)
(nand4.out) |- (nand3.in 2)
(nand3.out) |- (nand2.in 1)

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Best Answer

One possibility:



  (0,2) node[nand port] (nand4) {}
  (2,3) node[nand port] (nand3) {}
  (4,2) node[nand port] (nand2) {}
  (0,0) node[nand port] (nand1) {}
  (nand1.out) |- (nand2.in 2)
  (nand4.out) |- (nand3.in 2)
  (nand3.out) |- (nand2.in 1)
    ([xshift=-1cm]nand1.in 1) 
      coordinate (aux) node[left] {$c$} to[short,*-] 
    (nand1.in 1);
    ([xshift=-1cm]nand1.in 2) 
        node[left] {$d$} to[short,*-] 
    (nand1.in 2);
    (aux|-nand3.in 1) 
        node[left] {$a$} to[short,*-] 
    (nand3.in 1);
  (nand4.in 1) -- coordinate (middle) (nand4.in 2);
        node[left] {$b$} to[short,*-] 


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